
Interviewing for Hospitality Jobs: What Hiring Managers Want to Hear

Interviewing for Hospitality Jobs: What Hiring Managers Want to Hear

Hospitality jobs are unique in that they allow people who love helping others to interact with the people they serve. Often, what you do in a hospitality position has a direct effect on the happiness and enjoyment of other people.

Additionally, employment in the hospitality field helps you develop critical skills. It also provides plenty of opportunities for career advancement.

Still, just like any other job, there are certain personal and professional traits managers look for when they decide to hire a candidate. If you desire to break into the hospitality industry or are looking for your next role, learn a few hospitality interview tips to help you impress hiring managers and land the job you want.

Your Passion and Inspiration

When you’re interviewing for hospitality jobs, hiring managers want to know what motivates you to get up and go to work each day. One of the hospitality interview questions a hiring manager may use to gauge your passion is to ask what you like most about your current role or an achievement you’re proud of.

Hospitality isn’t always an easy profession. It has its challenges, just like any other job. However, when you have passion and a source of inspiration for the role, you’re more likely to keep going and stick around for the long haul.

Your Level of Self-Awareness

Although those in the hospitality industry may strive for perfection, you must remember that there’s always room for improvement. One hotel interview question that’s often overlooked is “What are your weaknesses?”

When speaking about what you want to improve on, make sure that you frame it as an opportunity for growth. This will show the hiring manager that you value learning and want to improve in your role.

Your Ability to Be Part of a Team

Rarely is hospitality a solo job. It takes a village to make customers and guests happy day in and day out. Hiring managers want to hear that you love working as part of a team and may even ask whether current or former coworkers would have good things to say about you.

You may also be asked how you maintain positive relationships with colleagues, even when you disagree. This line of questioning is all about showing that you can be a team player.

Your Aptitude for Delighting Guests

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for examples of restaurant interview questions or examples of hotel interview questions. Hospitality jobs of all shapes and sizes share the same goal: delighting guests.

Consequently, you may encounter interview questions about how you deal with unhappy or intoxicated customers and what you have done to turn these situations around. Your ability to navigate such circumstances successfully demonstrates leadership skills and an ability to solve problems.

Alternatively, a hiring manager may ask you to give an example of a time you delighted a customer or guest. Answering this question well shows a hiring manager that you have a good understanding of what excellent service looks like and that you know how to deliver it effectively and consistently.

Working in the hospitality industry can be a challenging yet very rewarding career, especially if you are passionate about helping people. The best hospitality interview advice you can receive is to smile and let your personality shine through.

Ultimately, the hiring manager wants to know that you can show up for work each day ready to work hard, help your team, and serve customers with a smile. If you keep those important traits in mind as you interview for hospitality job positions, you’re much more likely to be successful.

When you’re ready to ace that next hospitality interview, contact the team at One Haus. We’ll help you find — and land — a role you’ll love for a long time to come.